Compositing davinci resolve
Compositing davinci resolve

Overall I think he has done an extraordinary job in making difficult topics accessible, and in providing extremely thorough explanations of how to use Fusion effectively.

compositing davinci resolve

However I understand the difficulty of doing this, since it also makes sense to cover alternatives at the time when the relevant part of the main thread is discussed. Things get a bit dense in Ch 7-9, as Bernd often goes into side topics and options before returning to the main thread, and I would have had an easier time keeping up if the main thread was followed first before all the possible “side trips”. I would also benefit from some sort of index or topic search option, since I expect I’ll be going back to these tutorials again and again as I try to remember how to do procedures described in them. What could be improved? Perhaps it is because I am so new to most of this, I would benefit from a table of all the nodes used in the tutorials and notes about how each ones is best applied. The case studies in Ch 10 are a great way to review a lot of the material from earlier chapters.

compositing davinci resolve

I found Ch 9 the most difficult, as the concept of passes and how to use them were completely new to me. Starting in Ch 7 the material gets more advanced and more specific to compositing but Ch 8 on tracking, for example, provides a lot of information useful for Fusion projects other than compositing. Chapters 1-6 are really about fundamentals of Fusion and processing of video. A good example is Chapter 3, where how to handle and convert log and linear video (among many other things) is explained in detail. As I hoped, a lot of the material is valuable for learning Fusion per se, not only for compositing. He comments on advantages and limitations of Fusion, and notes ways it could be improved. Bernd explains the goals of each part, why they matter, and then how to do a large number of critical steps.

compositing davinci resolve

I have now watched all 30 or so hours of tutorials, some of them several times. I took the course to get a sense of how compositing is done, what goals are feasible, and to get a sense of what is straightforward to do and what is better done with some other tools (or not at all). I am fairly new to Fusion and completely a novice at compositing. This course is a spectacular accomplishment, primarily because Bernd is such a fine teacher.

Compositing davinci resolve